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Curtin University
Office of Strategy and Planning

Australian Qualifications Framework

The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) is the national policy for regulated qualifications in Australian education and training. The AQF is developed and maintained by the AQF Council. The setting of specifications for higher education awards by the AQF Council has been clearly separated from the monitoring and enforcement functions carried out by TEQSA in the legislation.

The aim of the AQF is to ensure that higher education institutions deliver quality education outcomes that are equivalent to those offered in other institutions. The AQF ensures consistent naming, volumes of learning (e.g. in years of full-time study) and learning outcomes for VET (Vocational Education & Training) and higher education awards. It also provides clearer pathways to higher qualifications and recognition of prior learning, supports national and international mobility and enables alignment with international framework of academic qualifications.

Further information is available from the AQF Website and from the TEQSA Website.